Grades of Tea

Grades of Tea

In the tea industry, tea leaf grading is the process of evaluating products based on the quality and condition of the tea leaves themselves. The highest grades are referred to as “orange pekoe”, and the lowest as “fannings” or “dust”.

Pekoe tea grades are classified into various qualities, each determined by how many of the adjacent young leaves (two, one, or none) were picked along with the leaf buds. Top-quality pekoe grades consist of only the leaf buds, which are picked using the balls of the fingertips. Fingernails and mechanical tools are not used to avoid bruising.

When crushed to make bagged teas, the tea is referred to as “broken”, as in “broken orange pekoe” (BOP). These lower grades include fannings and dust, which are tiny remnants created in the sorting and crushing processes.

Orange pekoe is referred to as “OP”. The grading scheme also contains categories higher than OP, which are determined primarily by leaf wholeness and size.

Broken, fannings and dust orthodox teas have slightly different grades. CTC teas, which consist of leaves mechanically rendered to uniform fannings, have yet another grading system.

CTC (crush-tear-curl) tea is tea that has been produced by a modern, mechanical process that tears the leaf in order to induce oxidation, rather than manually rolling it to bruise the leaf, as in the production of orthodox tea. Because the CTC process breaks the leaf, there is no whole-leaf CTC tea, and thus CTC tea is divided into broken-leaf, fannings, and dust. CTC is widely regarded as inferior, and the primary benefit is its lower cost of production, due to automation, although like other teas, CTC tea still varies widely in quality.

It is less common for tea drinkers to see CTC tea graded in tea for sale in stores or online. CTC tea grades include, for broken leaf tea, BP, BOP, BPS, BP1, and FP, and for fannings, OF, PF, and BOPF. There are a myriad of grades for CTC dust.

1.   FP             – Flowery Pekoe

2.   BPS          – Broken Pekoe Souchong

3.   PEKOE      – Pekoe
4.   BOPL        – Broken Orange Pekoe Large
5.   BOP
6.   BOPsm
7.   BP            – Broken Pekoe
8.   BPsm       – Broken Pekoe Small

1.   OF            – Orange Fannings
2.   PF            – Pekoe Fannings
3.   BOPF       – Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings

1.   PD            – Pekoe Dust
2.   D              – Dust
3.   CD            – Churamani Dust
5.   GD           – Golden Pekoe
6.   SRD         – Super Red Dust
7.   FD            – Fine Dust
8.   SFD          – Super Fine Dust

Grades Description of Grade Colour & Liquor Usage
Broken Orange Pekoe Large
Good aroma and Colour but weak liquor
Not very popular
Broken Pekoe Souchong
Better taste, aroma and Colour
Not very popular
Broken Orange Pekoe
Has better Colour, liquor and taste as compared to BOP S and L
Popular with households
Broken Orange Pekoe Small
Has good liquor, Colour and aroma
Popular with households
Broken Pekoe
It usually has better Colour, taste and sufficient aroma as compared to other grades
Popular with high-end hotels and households
Broken Pekoe Small
Has good liquor, Colour and aroma
Popular with households and hotels
Orange Fannings
Gives immediate Colour and has an aroma
Popular with commercial brands
Pekoe Dust
Gives Colour and strong liquor
Usually bought by tea stalls and smaller restaurants as it has good Colour and strong liquor
Gives Colour and strong liquor
Usually bought by tea stalls and used in tea bags
Churamani Dust
Gives Colour and slight liquor
Tea Stalls and Teabags
Golden Pekoe
Gives Colour and slight liquor
Tea Stalls and Teabags
Super Red Dust
Gives Colour and slight liquor
Tea Stalls and Teabags
Fine Dust
Gives Colour and slight liquor
Tea Stalls and Teabags
Super Fine Dust
Gives Colour and slight liquor
Tea Stalls and Teabags
Assam Dust Tea
Ajus CTC Dust
Ajus Pekoe Dust
Orthodox Leaf Tea
Super Fine Dust
Ajus Orthodox Tea
Ajus CTC Black Tea
Organic Green Tea
Organic White Tea
Organic Oolong Tea
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